Sunday, February 21, 2010


i miss the days in australia... miss the days where i used to be more carefree... miss the days where i dont have any headaches.... miss the days where i have roadtrip photos to post on my blog.... but being back for only half a year, it's like a total change in personality n lifestyle... wkends were spent either in office or at home... n i feel so tired all the times... once, a fren asked mi what do i do during wkends or wat's my hobbies... den it suddenli struck mi that my life is so monotonous.... if i m not wkg on wkends, i would be slping in.... dun even have the mood to go out with frens and enjoy the wkend..... dunno why oso... but i used to think that i have to go out everi wkend.... hated to stay at home during wkends in the past.... mebbe it's age... mebbe it's work.... mebbe i m tired of everithing.... i cant seem to have the mood to go out animore... jus wish i could lie down and slp forever... dun wanna think abt anithing... dun wanna be with anione.... jus give mi a small corner n i'll be happie staying there.... i wonder why the drastic change.... used to love gg out n hanging out till late with frens.... now i jus wish to stay in bed n read my novels.... never expect myself to be such a homely person... i guess i have changed... wat caused the change? probabli a lot of factors.... but i jus feel so tired... wish things were simplier... wish i was back in aussie.... but even back in aussie, sometimes i will feel tempermental..... so mebbe it's age?? i dunno... i jus noe i need a break.... a break from everithing n everione.... decisions u make in life 5 years ago will ome back to haunt u 5 years later.... sometimes i wish i could turn back time n make a chance to choose again.... things tt i didnt appreciate back then.... now i wonder how things will be like if i took a different route back then.... but it's too late now.... there's no turning point, so i have to move on..... looking back n feeling nostalgic will only make things worst..... u onli get to live once.... so jus give things a go.... if u think too much, u will jus regret it in future..... i m sorry..... i m tired....

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