the last 2 daes in hawaii was spent on the island of maui... the highlights of the maui trip are the hana road drive (drive of a lifetime) and the gorgeous sunrise at haleakala volcano top...
posing with our convertible!!! damn cool to be driving one... n the engine is indeed POWERFUL!!!

day one after we checked in at our hostel, we started on our HANA road drive... this drive is indeed the drive of my life.. it's a DRIVE or PUKE drive... 52 miles in a 2-lane road with more than 200 hairpin turns and crossing more than 50 bridges... zijia was the driver... n i was the pale, white-faced, going-to-puke-anytime passenger at the back.... random shots along the road in maui at the start of the hana road drive...

the first pit-stop of the hana road drive is the twin falls... as the name suggests, the waterfall starts with 2 sources and thus named as the twin fall... had to trek for about an hour b4 we finalli see the fall... n dun be fooled by the low water level... we had to walk abt 5 mins at knee-height water level before reaching this spot to take pix n abosrb the full view of the TWIN FALLS.... making our way through the water to get to the waterfall....
pictures of us making our way to reach the twin falls...

us in front of the twin falls... see the 2 sources of water at the top???
another pix of mi n zijia posing with the twin falls...
jus as we were walking out from the twin falls, we saw this lone ranger prawn which is super huge... wondering how it managed to land on the rock... n it's jus this ONE prawn thr... mebbe someone brought it in?? who noes....
we were so thirsty after trekking out from the twin falls... n there's this small drink stall jus at the edge of the forrest which the twin falls is hidden in... took some pix while waiting for my pineapple sugercane juice... the pineapple is so mini... hawaii's pineapples are realli veri nice.. the level of nice-ness is probabli comparable to the grapes i had in japan... veir random.. but yar... i miss the grapes in japan...
after the twin falls, we continue to drive on to our next pit-stop (black sand beach)... along the way, we saw some random waterfall along the HANA road drive... this is more magnificent than the twin falls.. n more importantly, this is just along the main road.. so no need trekked... jus stopped, take pix n den proceed on...

our 2nd pit-stop >>> the WAINANAPANAPA black sand beach.... the sand is REALLI black.... why so?? cos it's a volcanic ash beach... thus giving it the black pebblery feel... i like this beach a lot.. feels veri special.... the sight-seeing along this beach includes the lave hole and the blow hole with its periodic spurt of water....
check out the PETER RABBIT stone along the black sand beach...
pix of us at the black sand beach..

the 3 of us taking a shot inside the lave hole... it's a small entry along the black sand beach which leads to a hole huge enuff for us to stand straight inside... a good shelter from the sudden shower... n the other end of the opening leads to the gushing waves of the sea....
day 2>>> we woke up REAL earlee to go catch the haleakala sunrise...realli worth it cos this's another highlight of the hawaii trip.... here are some pictures we took while waiting for the sky to light up.... the combined number of photos we took during the entire sunrise process amounts to about 150!!! n ur truly contributed to close to 50% of the 150...

pictures of the nice sunrise....
we got some pictures of the volcano when the sun is high up in the sky...the reddish surface looks like pictures of Mars or some outerspace planets...

pictures of us on top of the mountain~~~ =)

after the sunrise, we took a quick nap in the car before driving off to LAHAINA TOWN which is a veri chill plc to nua.... we spent the whole dae thr, waiting for our flight back in the evening...
some pictures along the streets of lahaina town...
taking pictures outside our lunch / dinner place >> the cheeseburger shop...
inside the cheeseburger shop.... the decor of the restaurant was veri relax n funky... n check out the yummy food as well...

cheeseburger.. chilli cheese fries.... coconut shrimps... yums~~~ definitley will recommend this plc to ppl who are heading to maui for a holidae....
cheers!!!! yet another pina colada... but the one i had in oahu at the polynesian cultural centre is better... =)
this marks the end of our 1 week in Hawaii~~~