Saturday, November 14, 2009
US trip
anw here's an outline of the road trip n some pictures.....
Monday, August 31, 2009
i m back~~
Saturday, June 6, 2009
blue mts - wentworth falls
the nice autumn feel in the blue mts area.... on our way to the wentworth falls... we jus randomli stopped by to take some photos....

the jamison valley....
Sunday, May 24, 2009
sydney skyline at night
trip to the art musuem
the entrance of the art gallery of new south wales....
finalli a nice picture after many failed attempts of getting both xiji n mi in the picture....
the first exhibit i saw... an overturn car...
some artistic display??? dun realli noe wat this is... but nice layout nevertheless... hehe...
oppsssiieee... one of the statute fell and smashed his head.... this is one of my favourite art piece....
reflections... the focus is actualli the painting in the reflection.....
this is not an art piece... saw a full arch of rainbow while touring the art gallery... but too bad cant get the whole arch in....
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Easter Long Weekend
took a super early 5am flight on Sat morning to Brisbane... n den drove for another hour to Gold Coast.... we made in just in time for the opening of Movie World... And didnt know Movie World is still so popular after being around for so long.... there was a bit of queue though we reached there at 10am sharp - which is the theme park's opening hours....
here's a pix at the main drive-in entrance...

insider the Shrek shop.... rows and rows of gingerbread man... so cute... was tempted to get one.... mi n zijia trying to be "Puss-in-boots"... zijia is doing quite a good job... but mi, having under-developed facial muscles cant realli do it all that well.. hehe....

harry potter shop... the harry potter soft toys look quite "chiong".... not cute at all...

alwaz remembered Movie World having lots of cartoon characters walking around and posing with little kids... that's my impression when i went about 10 years ago... things have certainly changed... cant seem to find any more of those cartoon characters... tazzie devil and tweety bird were the onli 2 that we managed to catch... n there's this lonely marilyn monroe walking around with NO crowd at all... poor her... guess kids nowadaes dun realli know who she is....

pictures of some roller coasters that we took.. the "road-runner" and "superman".... the "road-runner" roller coaster was just a pre-empt to the highlight --> "superman" ride... we actualli took the "road-runner" in the kids corner... hahaha... 3 weak-hearted old ladies... we were so scared when we were waiting for the "superman".... tummy-ache n toilet needs were surfacing continuously as we were waiting for our turn for the ride... hahha... check out how scaree it looks from the photos below.... the super steep downturn was the "highlight" of the trip....
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
built to last
"Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should.
But most of all, most of all,it's built to last"
a quote from "built to last" which i found on a fren's wedding sweet!!
congrats ym!!! =)
Friday, April 17, 2009
13th wkend of chilli crab
so on this bright sat morning after grower's market, we headed off the the fish market to get fresh crabs for our amazing task.... n it's a good thing we bump into jeslyn (this EY gal) at the fish market while choosing our crabs... she told us that fish market could kill the crabs for you... yippee!!! cant imagine how happie we were when we heard that.... it means the toughest part of crab cooking was done... how hard could it be after someone kills the crabs for you... dead seafood is definitely easy to handle... hehehe....
so here's the pictures of the DEAD crabs in our sink later in the afternoon....=)
mi and zijia having loads of fun playing ard with the crabs since they are dead and harmless... hahaha....
after fooling ard with the dead crabs, we started the task of cooking.... n oh boi.... it was realli CHOKING..... we have to stir fry the garlic and chilli first... n this was damn jia latz... both mi n zijia were sniffing n coughing away.... almost tot i would die from over-dosage of chilli smoke... n my nose cant stop running... had to block my nose with tissue papers to stop the smoke from going in.....
picture of mi serious at cooking the chilli crab.... this was the first part where we put in the crabs... before pouring in the sauce....
n after pouring in the sauce... n note that we made the sauce ourselves too!!! original from chilli sauce n tomato sauce..... not the usual "paste" stuff that we will use... this is authentic from natural ingredients... hehehe.... n from the 3 chilli padis, you can tell that it's REEEAAALLLIII hot stuff.... but it's yummy good stuff too!!!! =) simply finger-licking good... hahahaha....
n here's all of us with the big feast... tracy (giang's housemate), jing, zijia, mi and giang....
a close up of the amount of food we had.... hainanese chicken rice with roast chicken, vietnamese spring roll n the highlight of the night ->> chilli crabs!!! n the table was sooooooo full.... but overall it was a yummy feast.... so proud of my chilli crabs... hahah....
Thursday, April 16, 2009
wkend at bondi
jing buying train tickets for us to head down to bondi....
at our destination -> bondi junction
at the beach....
the cool wave-rider....
cool art of magic in the evening sky... alwaz love walking along the pyrmont bridge / darling park to get home in the evening... thr's alwaz a surprise waiting up there in the sky....