it's alwaz a bonus if u can make it up the corporate ladder; or if you could own that dream R8; or if you could add on a balenciaga bag to ur collection.... but what i really wish for is a simple happie life... to wake up and look forward to everyday in the morning... to be able to take an evening stroll with ur loved one.... to live life to the fullest with no regrets, no looking back and feeling nostalgic....
continue moving forward, time waits for no man, n rem to keep the smile on ur pretty face =)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sunday, December 26, 2010
A special fren
To a very special fren... a fren whom i know since 20.... that's a long long time ago..... still remember the good old days... the days when i only had 100 free sms n being a poor student i selectively replied msges.... sorrie for those days when i m "dao" n never reply smses... thank you for being so patient with me.... thank you for being there for me.... thank you for all the nice surprises.... all these years.... u have been with mi thru ups n downs.... alwaz ever ready to lend me ur listening ears.... from "ABC" days to present..... that's a long long time.... a very special frenship we shared.... am happy for u today... though it felt a bit strange... wishing u happiness =)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
alwaz getting headaches nowadaes... my head feels like bursting... i jus wanna lie down and not do anything... there's tonnes of things waiting for mi to clear... but i realli jus dun feel like doing anything... back to those days when i would take medicine to feel drowsy n sleep.... i m wasting my life away.... i hate wat i m doing to myself... why m i so emo!!!!! i need to get out of this viscious cycle.... jus walk away from everything n jus be like b4..... i cant do it... i dunno why.... i m tired.... miss my carefree days... everything i m today is jus a result of my choice.... the path u have chosen in the past will lead u to where u are today... i hope u are happier now... i do wonder how things would have turned out if i made the choice to stay back then....
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
ppl do get more nostalgic as they age... thanks for reading my blog... thanks for being around for mi all these years... things ard mi, people ard mi... all these which i didnt appreciate when i was younger.... back in those good old days when i take things and people for granted... i realised that i m not the only one who likes to write when i m feeling emo... i dun like feeling emo... i miss the old mi... the old mi who doesnt feel emo that often... it's age i believe... or mebbe it's simply cos i have changed... i simply wish i could turn back times... back to the old schooling days when i dont have to bother about anything in the world... tends to feel emotional so easily nowadaes... jus heard from my favourite jnr that she has decided to resign... or rather she has already resigned... suddenly felt so sad... firstly, i dun deny she was of such a great help that i will definitely work much harder without her around... but secondly, i realli dun like the feeling of ppl ard mi leaving... but in the environment that i work in, it's inevitable that ppl come n go... although i have left sg as well... but it feels different when u r the one staying put at the same spot n it's u who's being left behind.... sometimes i realli dunno what i m doing... my tots are so random... sometimes jus wanna work somewhr in which nobody leaves the company... everything is the same day in day out.... symptoms of ageing??? when u dun wanna change in ur life.... i dun like being swayed my emotions... i like to be free from them all... emotional detachment... something that everyone else doesnt believe in... but it's sth that i've alwaz wanted to be... roller coaster feelings is what i alwaz experience nowadaes.. .but it's precisely what i dun need... and wat i dun want....
Sunday, July 25, 2010
krabi day 3 - island safari
day 3 was pretty relaxing as well... i didnt get a chance to do my bungee jump again!!! anw day 3 was spent rafting and elephant riding at island safari....
our pix taken after the rafting... no chance to take pix during rafting...

our elephant riding... the tour guide helped us to take a series of pix and charged us $200THB!!! but the thing is that out of 20 pix he took, mebbe only 4 or 5 of them are clear... see below for the "blur" pix....
our pix taken after the rafting... no chance to take pix during rafting...
our elephant riding... the tour guide helped us to take a series of pix and charged us $200THB!!! but the thing is that out of 20 pix he took, mebbe only 4 or 5 of them are clear... see below for the "blur" pix....
Sunday, July 18, 2010
krabi day 2 - island hopping
day 2 was for island hopping around the HONG island... given that it's less crowded and less touristy, it feels like a private jet bringing us ard....
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